Business Dinner in Craiova (Romania)

On the 8th of December a Business Dinner took place in the city of Craiova (Romania), in the framework of Working Package 4 of START2ACT Project.

The event was organised by the Romania partner ENERO, in co-operation with Construct Cluster Oltenia, during the meeting of the members of Cluster at the end of the year.

16 participants were registered, most of them representing companies from construction field.

At the beginning Mrs Oana Traistaru, Executive Director of Construct Cluster Oltenia presented the organisation, its objectives, its composition and it achievements during the year 2016.

The project START2ACT was presented by the representative of ENERO, Mrs. Nicoleta Ion, with an accent on the main activities which are going to be performed to the benefit of small and medium enterprises.

After that free discussions took place, and questions were put by the participants. The most important ideas raised during these discussions and during the social time spent afterwards together, were the following:

  • Participants were interested in specialised information regarding energy efficiency and energy management in buildings, European tendencies in the field of energy efficiency (in general and in buildings in particular).
  • They are more interested in these information to be used in their their construction works, in order to plan energy efficient buildings
  • Participants declared to be interested in receiving information about the project and its results.
Tip of the day
Go LED!! They will benefit you in terms of light quality, energy efficiency, lifespan, price, dimming ability and variety!

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